Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What are Free Radicals?

Several of the L'BRI products have stated that they help reverse free radicals.

So what are free radicals and why should we be concerned with them?

When we start our life, every cell in our body is generally healthy and functioning the way it is supposed to.

New cells are formed and old cells die off daily keeping our bodies healthy.

As our bodies are exposed to toxins, the sun and just general age, the new cells created are not always formed properly to do their job.

Free Radicals are cells that are missing an electron, almost like someone took a small bite from them.

These incomplete cells wreak havoc on the body looking for other cells that have the electron that they are missing.

This process creates more free radicals as the damaged cells pull electrons from the healthy cells.
Free radicals accelerate the aging process; they can be the underlying cause of arthritis and atherosclerosis.

Fortunately free radicals can be slowed down or stopped with antioxidants. That is why L'BRI PURE n' NATURAL products contain so many natural ingredients that have antioxidant properties.


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