Monday, October 8, 2012

Are Your Skin Care Products Unhealthy?

Have you ever attempted to read the list of ingredients that are in your skin care products?

Would you like to know what these ingredients are doing to your skin and where they come from?

Are you familiar with rendering plants?

Rendering plants are where bad meat from grocery stores, unusable body parts from animals and used grease from restaurants are sent. It is also where dead animals are sent to; most of these animals have died from disease.

These plants throw all of the above items into large vats to boil, producing a yellow grease like substance.

The cosmetic manufacturers are the largest consumers of the bi-products from these rendering plants.

So what are the cosmetic manufacturers doing with these animal bi-products?

They are making ingredients for their skin care products. Here are some of the ingredients produced and their uses.

Oleic acid: Used in soaps, permanent wave solutions, shampoos, hair dyes, lipsticks, liquid make-ups, nasal sprays

Glycerine: Used in cosmetics, mouthwashes, toothpastes, soaps, ointments

Stearic acid: Used in cosmetics, lubricants, hair spray, conditioners, deodorants

Non-edible tallow: Used in soap

Try skin care products without these dangerous ingredients at L'BRI PURE n' NATURAL.

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