Thursday, October 11, 2012

Figuring Out Your Acne

Most people with breakouts are just concerned about making them go away.

This would be the goal, but in order for this to happen we need to know what is causing the breakouts.

There are several different types of acne and determining which one you have will help you clear up the issue.

1. Acne Vulgaris - This is acne caused by oil. Bacteria grows rapidly in an oily environment, the bacteria then gets into the pores to create blemishes. Acne of this type only appears on your face, generally in the T zone - forehead and nose.

2. Internal Acne - Caused by diet, stress and certain types of clothing. This type of acne appears all over, mostly on the back and face. Due to the many different contributors to this type of acne, it is the most difficult to treat.

3. Retention Hyperkeratosis - Our dead skin cells are meant to flake off the skin. When they do not, the dead cells build up inside the pores where bacteria then builds up and creates breakouts. This is hereditary condition and is often more severe than Acne Vulgaris.
Now that you have determined what time of acne you have it is time to look for products that will work best for you.

Oil caused acne is best treated by a proper cleanser. Most cleansers have harsh detergents that strip the skin of the oil. This causes the oil glands to go on alert and create more oil.

A cleanser that will calm the oil glands and clean out the pores without stripping the skin is what you need. As you begin to properly clean your skin, the oil glands will calm down and produce less oil.

After cleansing, follow with an effective toner and moisturizer to fight blemish causing bacteria naturally.

If you have internal acne, start removing factors that could be causing this acne, one item at a time.

Try to start drinking at least 6 - 8oz glasses of water per day. This will help your body remove toxins more effectively. Take a natural nutritional supplement to aid you body in removing toxins also.

Also, starting a food diary is a great idea. That way you can see if you only breakout when eating certain foods. This may take a few months to really begin to see a pattern between the food you are eating and your breakouts.

Using a natural enzyme peel could be the answer for you if you have Retention Hyperkeratosis acne. Most exfoliating products would be too harsh for blemished skin.

The natural enzyme peel uses fruit acids to dissolve dead skin cell naturally without being abrasive to the skin. Using this 2 to 3 times per week will reduce the amount of dead skin cell build up, this will reduce the amount of blemishes you have.

By following these suggestions you will gain control over your breakouts. Occasionally you may still have a blemsih or two. To treat a spot before it becomes a painful blemish, try applying a natural blemish fighting cream to the spot. This is a gentle cream that is less irritating cream that can dry up a blemish before it becomes an large issue.

If you have questions or would like specific help with your skin, please contact me.

1 comment:

  1. Nice skin care point you have shared on acne. In this you have also taken nice skin care factors to get healthy skin. Thank you.
